Monday, September 9, 2013

What Grace taught me about friends

I love watching Grace with her friends. Running. Climbing. Running. Laughing. Running. Swinging. Running. Sliding. Running. Playing. Running. Make-believeing. Did I mention running? Anyways, I love watching her with her friends.

Grace knows who her friends are. She knows not only their names, but their sibling's names, their parents' names, and their dog's names. She randomly asks about them during the day/week. She carries their pictures around the house or asks to see their pictures on my phone. She asks to call them. She tells them she loves them. She thanks God for them when she prays.


I need be more like Grace:

I need to know not only their names, but their children's names, their spouse's names, their sibling's names, their parents' names, etc.

I need to take pictures of them and with them.

I need to randomly ask about them during the day/week.

I need to be better about calling them.

I need to tell them that I love them.

I need to ALWAYS thank God for them!

"When we consider the blessings of God — the gifts that add beauty and joy to our lives, that enable us to keep going through stretches of boredom and even suffering — friendship is very near the top." — Donald W. McCullough

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