Saturday, June 29, 2013

God Sent me an Angel

I know some of you may think that I am CRAZY, but I whole-heartedly believe that God sent me an angel today.

This morning started off like many other mornings. We woke up and had breakfast together as a family, Paul made his delicious waffles. After breakfast, we worked on cleaning up around the house a little and ran a few errands in preparation for some of our family coming into town tonight. While out, we decided to stop at Chick-fil-A and have lunch (I know, surprise, surprise...we ate at Chick-fil-A). Paul took Grace to sit down while I ordered.

When I got to the table, I noticed this man sitting at the table behind us, staring at our table. I tried to just ignore it and just continue to enjoy our lunch. As we were finishing up, this man walked over and said that he wanted to pray for us. "OK," we said and closed our eyes.

He began to pray. I have to admit, I was a little distracted by trying to keep Grace from getting out of the high chair. All of a sudden, the words, "bless their future children" catch my attention. I freeze. Shortly followed by, "and thank you for their future financial gain." My mouth drops. Those were literally the only two things that he prayed for. He says Amen. We thank him and he leaves the restaurant. Paul and I are silent for a minute before we begin cleaning up and gathering our belongings to leave.

We get in the car and make it about half way home before I turn and look at him and say, "I can't believe the two things that man prayed for."

Paul says, "I know, they brought me such comfort."

"Me too," I say as I tear up, "And peace."

What that man could not have known is that ever since we lost Noah, I have been having the immense fear that we will not be able to have any more children. He could not have known that we signed a contract on our house in Greenville and just received the inspection back but the contractor can't make it to our house until Tuesday to tell us what all needs to be done, how much it will cost, and if the company buying our house still wants to purchase it for sure. He could not have known that I have spent many nights lying awake in bed thinking about the loss of Noah and everything that goes with it. He could not have known that I spent last night lying awake in bed worrying about the sell of our house and what might happen if it falls through. He could not have known ANY of our current circumstances!...he was not a family member, he was not a friend, he was not overhearing us talking about them, he did not even have a conversation with us.

The only explanation is that he was an earthly angel and that God sent him to us to reassure us and remind us that He is taking care of us, just as He always does.

I truly believe that God answered my prayers, the same prayers I have been praying for the last ease my mind and heart and to know that He is in control and that He has a plan.

I wasn't getting it.

I needed a visual.

God sent me an angel.

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