- you seem to never be able to end the day in a clean shirt.
- your car slows down or speeds up and music plays (usually from one or more children's items in the back seat, diaper bag, or tailgate.)
- you never really get a good night's sleep, even if your child doesn't wake you up, because you have a to-do list running through your head or you are just worried about something (usually relating to your child.)
- you enjoy eating leftovers, only because that means that you don't have to cook that night.
- you trade your Coach purse for a diaper bag, or if you choose to one day carry a purse then it typically has at least one diaper, wipes, extra passy, one or more toys, a book, a bib/burp cloth, and a formula packet with an empty bottle (well, maybe not the last part if you are blessed to be able to nurse.)
- you choose to surround yourself with more children just to be able to sneak in a little light, interrupted conversation in with another Mommy or two. (AKA a playdate)
- you get excited about hearing a burp or poop.
- your schedule usually revolves around naps and feedings(and not your own).
- your favorite thing about nap time is actually when your baby wakes up from it and gives you warm, under the chin, sleepy, cuddly hugs.
- you are cooking dinner and you realize that you never actually ate lunch.
- you have nothing breakable in your house from your waist down, including on your Christmas tree.
- you get really excited about being able to take a long shower or bath without having to set a child up with an activity or distraction and without having someone watch you (and I don't mean your husband...lol).
- you spend more money on cute little clothes that are only worn for a few months than your own wardrobe, which you usually wear for a few years.
- your child-less date night somehow seems to end up including some type of errand for your child.
- you call your friends "Auntie" or "Mrs." so-and-so, even when your children aren't around.
- you refer to ages in weeks or months (except your own...that would be SCARY!)
- you call your hubby "daddy" instead of his own name.
You also know you are a Mommy when you love EVERY bit of it and wouldn't change a thing! :)
I said a little "uh huh" after each one of those. Too funny!