Sunday, April 14 ~
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I had a fun day today with Grandmom. The spring sunshine and warmth made it so nice to play outside. And I love to play outside!
In the morning we played in the backyard again. I found a wooden flower by the steps. I picked it and carried it all around the yard. I even took it up in the play set (with Grandmom's help, of course).
We went to the store for something to do and to get a few things. Grandmom said I was so good riding in the buggy. I smiled at people and said "hi." I wore a pink bow in my hair to match my pink shirt. Grandmom wants to know if she can trim my bangs a little bit, because they keep getting in my eyes. But maybe you want them to grow out some more. It doesn't matter to me.
After my nap, I went over to play with Alexis. She came to the door when I was napping an asked Grandmom if I could come out to play. There were two other little girls there, too - Anna Kate and Molly. Alexis' sisters were at Sunday School. I had fun with balls and bubbles! Later, after Alexis went to church, I pushed my baby and doggie in the stroller over to Emerson's house.. Her dad calls her Emi sometimes. Emi pushed her stroller with her baby, too! It was fun.
Now I am sleeping and dreaming of you. I miss you. I asked Grandmom for Mommy today, and sometimes for Daddy. She said you will be back soon.
All my love,
Monday, April 15 ~
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I talk to Grandmom a lot and she understands me better and better all the time. She knows when I say Momma or Dadda, or Mommy or Daddy, that I am missing you then. She always reassures me you will be back soon.
Today Grandmom found the mall! And she let me walk all around. I sat in a fire-truck stroller and pretended to drive it. I climbed up on the comfortable chairs and walked around and around the sofa, playing peek-a-boo with Grandmom. She likes to pay peek-a-boo and tickle me.
Then we found the playground for kids by Sears. I loved climbing up the little slide and going "whee!" on the way down. I was so tired after that, I let Grandmom give me a shoulder ride back to the car.
Grandmom says I remind her of Erin when she was this age. I can't wait to play with my cousins again!
All my love,
Tuesday, April 16 ~
Hi Mommy and Daddy,
Today Grandmom and I found a new ride at the mall! It was free, too! Grandmom and I went up and down 4 times. I even figured out the way to the down part all by myself after the first time. It was fun! I said "whee!" and held Grandmom's hands so I didn't fall when I stepped off of the ride.
On the way back from the mall, Grandmom found my favorite place to eat and got me a kid's meal. I ate all of the chicken and fruit (except for some of the apples) and I drank some of my milk.
I was so tired from all that playing and stuff that I took a nice long nap.
I love salmon! Grandmom gave me some of hers when I finished all of mine. After dinner, we played outside with Savannah and her friend, Sarah. Then Alexis came home and I gave her a big hug.
I like to brush my teeth all by myself. It feels so good on my gums. I'm a big girl now.
Night-night! I miss you.
All my love,
Wednesday, April 17 ~
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I'm such a big girl! I help Grandmom clean up my toys, and tonight in the bath I washed my whole body with the washcloth. And I can say a lot of words.
I was tired today so I took two naps. We went to the park this morning and I played on the playground. I love the slides! Whee! There were a lot of kids there. I like to watch them play and then I play too.
Alexis and Savannah came over for a little while after school. Grandmom said it was too hot to play outside. Savannah really likes my bean bin. I showed her how to put her feet in the bin and bury them with beans. Fun! We made sure we didn't get beans all over the living room.
Pop-Pop is coming tomorrow! Tonight when Grandmom was reading me a book I saw a man with a mustache and I pointed to him and said Pop-Pop.
Sweet dreams, I miss you!
All my love,
Thursday, April 18 ~
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Pop-Pop came today! Grandmom was so happy to see him and I remembered him right away. I showed him all my toys and we played and played while Grandmom fixed dinner.
I took two naps again today. I miss you so much! When I miss you, Grandmom holds me and shows me our picture. She says, "Who's that?" And I say, Momma!" Then she says, "Who's that?" And I say, "Dadda!" Then she says, "Who's that?" And I say, "Grace!"
We went to the store and I rode in the buggy, but I was grumpy so we didn't stay long.
After dinner, I showed Pop-Pop my slide. Whee! I went down three times and Pop-Pop caught me at the bottom. Then we all went for a walk to the park, even Jasper.
I am sleeping now and remembering our chat on the phone, so I will have sweet dreams. I love you! I will see you soon!
All my love,
Friday, April 19 ~
Hi Mommy and Daddy,
We went to Marbles today. I love Marbles! I showed Grandmom and Pop-Pop the toddler room and the baby room. There we lots of kids there from school trips. When they went outside for lunch, I drove the big school bus and went down the slide. Whee! I went shopping for groceries and pushed a buggy all around. Then we went upstairs and I showed Pop-Pop and Grandmom the green balls - they were everywhere! I had so much fun.
We ate lunch outside and I watched all the kids and people. I saw a big bus and a big truck, too.
After my nap, I played outside with Pop-Pop and Alexis. Then we went to Red Robin for dinner. I was so hungry! I ate all of my chicken on a stick, my oranges, and some of Pop-Pop's fries. Yummy.
While we were eating, Pop-Pop was looking outside and looking worried. The wind was blowing and it was getting pretty dark. So he took me to the car while Grandmom gave the nice lady some money. Then it rained and rained and the wind blew very hard! Pop-Pop had to drive to pick up Grandmom so she didn't get all wet. When we got home the garage door wouldn't go up and there were no lights! Pop-Pop found a flashlight in the garage.
Now I am in my bed but I'm not asleep yet. I'm just talking to my lambie. Grandmom opened my window cause the fan won't work.
All my love,

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